Whole Body Wellbeing
At Lightsview Centred Chiropractic we aim to accurately locate and address any issues you may present with. And we’ve been doing that for 15 years. Since 2004 we’ve been helping people improve their health. We aim to look for the source as well as the symptoms you may be displaying.
Our adjustments focus on addressing all angles of your issues – structure, chemical and emotional. This is our centred approach. Balancing you, grounding you, bringing you back to earth to restore your wellbeing.
Lightsview Locals
From our office at 55 Fosters Road, Greenacres we help people across Adelaide get back to living well. We’ve filled our office with natural light, open space; restoring your wellbeing from the moment you walk inside.
We care about our community. So drop inside for a visit and say hello. We look forward to meeting you!
Dr Vanessa Swanson
B.H.Sc. (Adel) M.Chiro (Macq)
Dr. Swanson graduated from Adelaide University with a Bachelor of Health Sciences (1999) and graduated from Macquarie University with a Masters in Chiropractic (2001). She uses a variety of techniques, but mainly diversified, professional applied kinesiology (PAK), sacral occipital technique (SOT), drop piece and activator. She has completed her Retained Neonatal Reflexes in PAK. Dr Swanson opened Lightsview Centred Chiropractic as she believes in helping people get better and improve their way of living.
There’s a good reason our consults don’t go for five minutes. At Lightsview Centred Chiropractic we take the time to get to know you and treat the source of your issue.
Contact us today to book in a time to come see us.